
The Fenner Valley Water Authority (“FVWA”) today announced the creation of a $5 Million fund, the Southern California Clean Water Fund (“Clean Water Fund” or “SCCWF”), dedicated to aiding small water systems that are pursuing water quality improvements in Southern California. The Clean Water Fund...

Bill aiming to block the Cadiz Water Project held in committee and will not become law LOS ANGELES, CA –Cadiz Inc. [NASDAQ:CDZI] (“Cadiz”, the “Company”), announced today that on Friday, August 31, 2018, California Senate Bill 120 (Roth, D-Riverside) (“SB 120”) was held in the Senate’s... Spartacus moves slowly, but with determination. The male California Desert Tortoise is not a big fan of the heat, and if it were up to him Spartacus would probably be hiding from the morning sun a few feet underground in a cool burrow of his...

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